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19 in 1 Arcade Multigame Jamma PCB PREV         NEXT

19 in 1 Arcade Multigame Jamma PCB

19 in 1 Arcade Multigame Jamma PCB

Product ID: : PCB049
Unit Price: : $42.00USD/PCS
MOQ: 1pcs  
Availability : 4-5 days
Condition : New

About Product

This 19-in-1 Arcade Multigame JAMMA PCB contains 19 of the most popular arcade games.

Product Details

Universal JAMMA Connector
Supports CGA and VGA Monitors
Game List:
1. Defender
2. Stargate
3. Bubbles
4. Joust
5 .Robotron
6. Blaster
7. Splat
8. Rally X
9 .Battle City
10. Mario Bros
11. New Rally X
12 . Ghost’n Goblins
13.Solomon’s Key
14. Gradius
15. Sky Kid
16. Ice Climber
17. Super Mario Bros
18 .Do! RunRun
19. Kick Rider

Other Details

Product Screen Shots